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Listed below are the Publications supported by Technology platforms at C-CAMP / Bangalore Life Science Cluster.

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Agrawal K, Prabhakar S, Bakthavachalu B, Chaturvedi D.  2024.  Distinct developmental patterns in Anopheles stephensi organ systems [Electron Microscopy (Micro-CT) Facility]. Dev Biol.
Premageetha GThambraRaj, Vinothkumar KR, Bose S.  2024.  Exploring advances in single particle CryoEM with apoferritin: From blobs to true atomic resolution [Electron Microscopy (Micro-CT) Facility (INT)]. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 169:106536.
Premageetha GThambraRaj, Vinothkumar KR, Bose S.  2024.  Exploring Advances in Single Particle CryoEM with Apoferritin: from Blobs to True Atomic Resolution [National Cryo-EM Facility, BLiSC (INT)]. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology.
Subramani J, Patlolla N, Battu R, Saiyed T, Pal R.  2024.  Generation and characterization of retinal pigment epithelium from patient iPSC line to model oculocutaneous albinism (OCA)1A disease [EyeStem Research Pvt. Ltd. - a C-CAMP Startup and Discovery to Innovation Accelerator, C-CAMP]. J. Biosciences . 49(21)
Subramani J, Patlolla N, Battu R, Saiyed T, Pal R.  2024.  Generation and characterization of retinal pigment epithelium from patient iPSC line to model oculocutaneous albinism (OCA)1A disease [EyeStem Research Pvt. Ltd. - a C-CAMP Startup and Discovery to Innovation Accelerator, C-CAMP]. J. Biosciences . 49(21)
Repally A, Palanichamy E, Jha N, Venkatesan A, Dasari A.  2024.  Lactobacillus fermentum SNR1: Probiotic efficiency and characterization of the antimicrobial peptide against dental caries and foodborne pathogens [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics]. The Microbe. 5:100190.
Ahmad S, Singh N, Pargaonkar A, Vig D, Knierman M.  2024.  LC/MS Based Characterization Workflow of GLP-1 Therapeutic Peptide Liraglutide and Its Impurities [Agilent Technologies - C-CAMP Collaboration].
Melwani PKamal, Balla MMohan Saga, Bhamani A, Nandha SR, Checker R, Pandey BNarain.  2024.  Macrophage-conditioned medium enhances tunneling nanotube formation in breast cancer cells via PKC, Src, NF-κB, and p38 MAPK signaling [Next Gen Genomics Facility]. Cell Signal. :111274.
Gupta P, Mohan A, Mishra A, Nair A, Chowdhury N, Balekai D, Rai K, Prabhakar A, Saiyed T.  2024.  Multiplexed fluorescence and scatter detection with single cell resolution using on-chip fiber optics for droplet microfluidic applications [Discovery to Innovation Accelerator, C-CAMP]. Microsyst Nanoeng. 10:35.
Basak S, Paul D, Das R, Dastidar SGhosh, Kundu P.  2024.  A novel acidic pH-dependent metacaspase governs defense-response against pathogens in tomato [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility]. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 213:108850.
Punia A, Kumari M, Chouhan M, Saini V, Joshi R, Kumar A, Kumar, iv R.  2024.  Proteomic and metabolomic insights into seed germination of Ferula assa-foetida [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility]. J Proteomics. 300:105176.
Bana AArunkumar, Sajeev N, Halder S, Masi HAbbas, Patel S, Mehta P.  2023.  Comparative stability study and aggregate analysis of Bevacizumab marketed formulations using advanced analytical techniques [Biologics / Biopharmaceutical Characterization Facility]. Heliyon. 9:e19478.
Hajirnis N, Pandey S, Mishra RK.  2023.  CRISPR/Cas9 and FLP-FRT mediated regulatory dissection of the BX-C of Drosophila melanogaster [Transgenic Fly Facility]. Chromosome Res. 31(1):7.
Nayak SRanjan, Joseph D, Höfner G, Dakua A, Athreya A, Wanner KT, Kanner BI, Penmatsa A.  2023.  Cryo-EM structure of GABA transporter 1 reveals substrate recognition and transport mechanism [National Cryo-Electron Microscopy Facility]. Nat Struct Mol Biol.
Ghosh S, Kundu R, Chandana M, Das R, Anand A, Beura S, Bobde RChandrakan, Jain V, Prabhu SRamakant, Behera PKumari et al..  2023.  Distinct evolution of type I glutamine synthetase in Plasmodium and its species-specific requirement [Mass Spectrometry Facility - Metabolomics]. Nat Commun. 14(1):4216.
Ghosh S, Kundu R, Chandana M, Das R, Anand A, Beura S, Bobde RChandrakan, Jain V, Prabhu SRamakant, Behera PKumari et al..  2023.  Distinct evolution of type I glutamine synthetase in Plasmodium and its species-specific requirement [Mass Spectrometry Facility - Metabolomics]. Nat Commun. 14(1):4216.
Naik T, Sharda M, P LC, Virbhadra K, Pandit A.  2023.  High-quality single amplicon sequencing method for illumina MiSeq platform using pool of 'N' (0-10) spacer-linked target specific primers without PhiX spike-in [Next Gen Genomics Facility (INT)]. BMC Genomics. 24(1):141.
Naik T, Sharda M, P LC, Virbhadra K, Pandit A.  2023.  High-quality single amplicon sequencing method for illumina MiSeq platform using pool of 'N' (0-10) spacer-linked target specific primers without PhiX spike-in [Next Gen Genomics Facility (INT)]. BMC Genomics. 24(1):141.
Tanuku SNaga Radha, Pinnaka AKumar, Behera S, Singh A, Pydi S, Vasudeva G, Vaidya B, Sharma G, Ganta SKumar, Garbhapu NSagar.  2023.  Marinobacterium lacunae sp. nov. isolated from estuarine sediment [Next Gen Genomics Facility]. Arch Microbiol. 205(8):294.
Tanuku SNaga Radha, Pinnaka AKumar, Behera S, Singh A, Pydi S, Vasudeva G, Vaidya B, Sharma G, Ganta SKumar, Garbhapu NSagar.  2023.  Marinobacterium lacunae sp. nov. isolated from estuarine sediment [Next Gen Genomics Facility]. Arch Microbiol. 205(8):294.
Anand A, Chandana M, Ghosh S, Das R, Singh N, Vaishalli PMini, Gantasala NPrasad, Padmanaban G, Nagaraj VArun.  2023.  Significance of Plasmodium berghei Amino Acid Transporter 1 in Food Vacuole Functionality and Its Association with Cerebral Pathogenesis [Mass Spectrometry Facility - Metabolomics]. Microbiol Spectr. :e0494322.
Pasari N, Gupta M, Sinha T, Ogunmolu FEmmanuel, Yazdani SShams.  2023.  Systematic identification of CAZymes and transcription factors in the hypercellulolytic fungus Penicillium funiculosum NCIM1228 involved in lignocellulosic biomass degradation [Next Gen Genomics Facility]. Biotechnol Biofuels Bioprod. 16(1):150.
