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Kumar S, Vikram S, Subramanian S, Raghava GPal Singh, Pinnaka AKumar.  2012.  Genome sequence of the halotolerant bacterium Imtechella halotolerans K1T. [Next Generation Genomics facility]. J Bacteriol. 194(14):3731.
Agrawal Y, Khatri I, Subramanian S, Shenoy BDamodara.  2015.  Genome Sequence, Comparative Analysis, and Evolutionary Insights into Chitinases of Entomopathogenic Fungus Hirsutella thompsonii [Next Gen Genomics Facility]. Genome Biology and Evolution. 7:916-930.
Gowda M, Shirke MD, Mahesh HB, Chandarana P, Rajamani A, Chattoo BB.  2015.  Genome analysis of rice-blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae field isolates from southern India.. Genom Data. 5:284-91.
Sen S, Cao D, Choudhary R, Biagini S, Wang JW, Reichert H, VijayRaghavan K.  2014.  Genetic transformation of structural and functional circuitry rewires the Drosophila brain. [Drosophila Facility]. Elife. 3
Agrawal T, Sadaf S, Hasan G.  2013.  A genetic RNAi screen for IP₃/Ca²⁺ coupled GPCRs in Drosophila identifies the PdfR as a regulator of insect flight. [Drosophila facility]. PLoS Genet. 9(10):e1003849.
Surendran H, Rathod RJ, Pal R.  2018.  Generation of Transplantable Retinal Pigmented Epithelial (RPE) Cells for Treatment of Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD). [Eyestem, a C-CAMP Startup]. Methods Mol Biol.
Subramani J, Patlolla N, Battu R, Saiyed T, Pal R.  2024.  Generation and characterization of retinal pigment epithelium from patient iPSC line to model oculocutaneous albinism (OCA)1A disease [EyeStem Research Pvt. Ltd. - a C-CAMP Startup and Discovery to Innovation Accelerator, C-CAMP]. J. Biosciences . 49(21)
Dahal N, Romine MG, Khatiwara S, Ramakrishnan U, Lamichhaney S.  2023.  Gene flow drives genomic diversity in Asian Pikas distributed along the core and range‐edge habitats in the Himalayas [Next Gen Genomics Facility (INT)]. Ecol Evol.. 13(5)
Solari KA, Ramakrishnan U, Hadly EA.  2018.  Gene expression is implicated in the ability of pikas to occupy Himalayan elevational gradient. [Next Gen Genomics Facility (INT)]. PLoS One. 13(12):e0207936.
Kumar N, Gupta DGopal, Kumar S, al. et..  2016.  Exploring Packaged Microvesicle Proteome Composition of Chinese Hamster Ovary Secretome [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics]. Journal of Bioprocessing & Biotechniques. 6:1-11.
Premageetha GThambraRaj, Vinothkumar KR, Bose S.  2024.  Exploring advances in single particle CryoEM with apoferritin: From blobs to true atomic resolution [Electron Microscopy (Micro-CT) Facility (INT)]. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 169:106536.
Premageetha GThambraRaj, Vinothkumar KR, Bose S.  2024.  Exploring Advances in Single Particle CryoEM with Apoferritin: from Blobs to True Atomic Resolution [National Cryo-EM Facility, BLiSC (INT)]. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology.
Shadrick WR, Slavish PJ, Chai SC, Waddell B, Connelly M, Low JA, Tallant C, Young BM, Bharatham N, Knapp S et al..  2018.  Exploiting a water network to achieve enthalpy-driven, bromodomain-selective BET inhibitors. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 26:25-36.
Ramachandran G, Udgaonkar JB.  2012.  Evidence for the existence of a secondary pathway for fibril growth during the aggregation of tau.. J Mol Biol. 421(2-3):296-314.
Singh R, Chandrashekharappa S, Bodduluri SR, Baby BV, Hegde B, Kotla NG, Hiwale AA, Saiyed T, Patel P, Vijay-Kumar M et al..  2019.  Enhancement of the gut barrier integrity by a microbial metabolite through the Nrf2 pathway [Discovery to Innovation Accelerator]. Nat Commun. 10(1):89.
Kumar VPradeep, Kolte AP, Dhali A, Naik C, Sridhar M.  2018.  Enhanced delignification of lignocellulosic substrates by Pichia GS115 expressed recombinant laccase. [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics]. J Gen Appl Microbiol.
Katagade V, Kandroo M, Ratnaparkhi A.  2024.  Embryonic spatiotemporal expression pattern of Folded gastrulation suggests roles in multiple morphogenetic events and regulation by AbdA [Transgenic Fly (Drosophila) Facility]. G3 (Bethesda). 14(5)
Mehta SJayesh Kum, Kumar V, Mishra RKumar.  2020.  ELYS Regulates Dorsal Dynamics during Development [Transgenic Fly Facility]. J Biol Chem.
Sikiru ABabatunde, Arangasamy A, Egena SSunday Ach, Veerasamy S, Reddy IJanardhan, Raghavendra B.  2021.  Elucidation of the liver proteome in response to an antioxidant intake in rabbits [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility]. Egyptian Liver Journal . 11
Thakur R, Chattopadhyay P, Ghosh SS, Mukherjee AK.  2015.  Elucidation of procoagulant mechanism and pathophysiological significance of a new prothrombin activating metalloprotease purified from Daboia russelii russelii venom. (Mass Spectrometry). Toxicon. 100:1-12.
Binsila BKrishnan, Archana SSiddalinga, Ramya L, Swathi D, Selvaraju S, Gowda NKShivakum, Pal DTaran, Rafay A, Bhatta R.  2020.  Elucidating the processes and pathways enriched in buffalo sperm proteome in regulating semen quality [Mass Spectrometry Facility - Proteomics]. Cell Tissue Res.
Nagaraj S, Chandrasingh S, Jose S, Sofia B, Sampath S, Krishna B, Menon I, Kundu D, Parekh S, Madival D et al..  2022.  Effectiveness of a novel, non-intrusive, continuous-use air decontamination technology to reduce microbial contamination in clinical settings: a multi-centric study [Biomoneta Research Pvt. Ltd., a C-CAMP Startup]. J Hosp Infect. 123:15-22.
