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Listed below are the Publications supported by Technology platforms at C-CAMP / Bangalore Life Science Cluster.

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Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Gowrishankar K, Ghosh S, Saha S, C R, Mayor S, Rao M.  2012.  Active remodeling of cortical actin regulates spatiotemporal organization of cell surface molecules.. Cell. 149(6):1353-67.
Preethy CPaul, Padmapriya R, Periasamy VSubbarayan, Riyasdeen A, Srinag S, Krishnamurthy H, Alshatwi AAbdullah, Akbarsha MAbdulkader.  2012.  Antiproliferative property of n-hexane and chloroform extracts of Anisomeles malabarica (L). R. Br. in HPV16-positive human cervical cancer cells.. J Pharmacol Pharmacother. 3(1):26-34.
Singh J, Sabareesan AT, Mathew MK, Udgaonkar JB.  2012.  Development of the structural core and of conformational heterogeneity during the conversion of oligomers of the mouse prion protein to worm-like amyloid fibrils.. J Mol Biol. 423(2):217-31.
Gupta S, Marcel N, Talwar S, Garg M, R I, Perumalsamy LR, Sarin A, Shivashankar GV.  2012.  Developmental heterogeneity in DNA packaging patterns influences T-cell activation and transmigration.. PLoS One. 7(9):e43718.
Perumalsamy LR, Marcel N, Kulkarni S, Radtke F, Sarin A.  2012.  Distinct spatial and molecular features of notch pathway assembly in regulatory T cells.. Sci Signal. 5(234):ra53.
Khatri I, Korpole S, Subramanian S, Pinnaka AKumar.  2012.  Draft genome sequence of Rhodovulum sp. strain PH10, a phototrophic alphaproteobacterium isolated from a soil sample of mangrove of Namkhana, India. [Next Generation Genomics facility]. J Bacteriol. 194(22):6363.
Prabhakara S, Khedkar S, Loganathan RMalarini, Chandana S, Gowda M, Arakere G, Seshasayee ASai Narain.  2012.  Draft genome sequence of Staphylococcus aureus 118 (ST772), a major disease clone from India. [Next Generation Genomics facility]. J Bacteriol. 194(14):3727-8.
Khedkar S, Prabhakara S, Loganathan RMalarini, S C, Gowda M, Arakere G, Seshasayee ASai Narain.  2012.  Draft genome sequence of Staphylococcus aureus ST672, an emerging disease clone from India. [Next Generation Genomics facility]. J Bacteriol. 194(24):6946-7.
Vikram S, Kumar S, Subramanian S, Raghava GPal Singh.  2012.  Draft genome sequence of the nitrophenol-degrading actinomycete Rhodococcus imtechensis RKJ300. [Next Generation Genomics facility]. J Bacteriol. 194(13):3543.
Guruharsha KG, Obar RA, Mintseris J, Aishwarya K, Krishnan RT, VijayRaghavan K, Artavanis-Tsakonas S.  2012.  Drosophila protein interaction map (DPiM): a paradigm for metazoan protein complex interactions. [Drosophila facility]. Fly (Austin). 6(4):246-53.
Ghosh S, Saha S, Goswami D, Bilgrami S, Mayor S.  2012.  Dynamic imaging of homo-FRET in live cells by fluorescence anisotropy microscopy.. Methods Enzymol. 505:291-327.
Bhutani S, Das A, Maheshwari M, Lakhotia SC, Jana NR.  2012.  Dysregulation of core components of SCF complex in poly-glutamine disorders. [Drosophila facility]. Cell Death Dis. 3:e428.
Ramachandran G, Udgaonkar JB.  2012.  Evidence for the existence of a secondary pathway for fibril growth during the aggregation of tau.. J Mol Biol. 421(2-3):296-314.
Chakraborty S, Hasan G.  2012.  Functional implementation of Drosophila itpr mutants by rat Itpr1. [Drosophila facility]. J Neurogenet. 26(3-4):328-37.
Adurthi S, Mukherjee G, Krishnamurthy H, Sudhir K, Bafna UD, Umadevi K, Jayshree RSubramanya.  2012.  Functional tumor infiltrating TH1 and TH2 effectors in large early-stage cervical cancer are suppressed by regulatory T cells.. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 22(7):1130-7.
Kumar S, Vikram S, Subramanian S, Raghava GPal Singh, Pinnaka AKumar.  2012.  Genome sequence of the halotolerant bacterium Imtechella halotolerans K1T. [Next Generation Genomics facility]. J Bacteriol. 194(14):3731.
Kumar S, Subramanian S, Raghava GPal Singh, Pinnaka AKumar.  2012.  Genome sequence of the marine bacterium Marinilabilia salmonicolor JCM 21150T. [Next Generation Genomics facility]. J Bacteriol. 194(14):3746.
Bose R, Adiga SK, D'Souza F, Salian SR, Uppangala S, Kalthur G, Jain N, Radhakrishnan RA, Bhat N, Krishnamurthy H et al..  2012.  Germ cell abnormalities in streptozotocin induced diabetic mice do not correlate with blood glucose level.. J Assist Reprod Genet. 29(12):1405-13.
Srivastava M, Nambiar M, Sharma S, Karki SS, Goldsmith G, Hegde M, Kumar S, Pandey M, Singh RK, Ray P et al..  2012.  An inhibitor of nonhomologous end-joining abrogates double-strand break repair and impedes cancer progression.. Cell. 151(7):1474-87.
Sadananda A, Hamid R, Doodhi H, Ghosal D, Girotra M, Jana SChandra, Ray K.  2012.  Interaction with a kinesin-2 tail propels choline acetyltransferase flow towards synapse. [Drosophila facility]. Traffic. 13(7):979-91.
Keshari RS, Jyoti A, Kumar S, Dubey M, Verma A, Srinag BS, Krishnamurthy H, Barthwal MK, Dikshit M.  2012.  Neutrophil extracellular traps contain mitochondrial as well as nuclear DNA and exhibit inflammatory potential.. Cytometry A. 81(3):238-47.
Varshini J, Srinag BS, Kalthur G, Krishnamurthy H, Kumar P, Rao SB-S, Adiga SK.  2012.  Poor sperm quality and advancing age are associated with increased sperm DNA damage in infertile men.. Andrologia. 44 Suppl 1:642-9.
Sadaf S, Birman S, Hasan G.  2012.  Synaptic activity in serotonergic neurons is required for air-puff stimulated flight in Drosophila melanogaster.. PLoS One. 7(9):e46405.
