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Listed below are the Publications supported by Technology platforms at C-CAMP / Bangalore Life Science Cluster.

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Bhattacharya N, Kolvekar N, Mondal S, Sarkar A, Chakrabarty D.  2022.  SPAD-1, a serine proteinase associated disintegrin from Russell's viper venom disrupts adhesion of MCF7 human breast cancer cells. [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics]. Toxicon. 221:106979.
Bhatt HH, Pasricha R, Upasani VN.  2016.  Isolation and Characterization of a Halophilic Cyanobacterium Euhalothece SLVH01 from Sambhar Salt Lake, India. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2016) 5(2): 215-224 [Electron Microscopy Facility - TEM].
Bharatham N, Finch KE, Min J, Mayasundari A, Dyer MA, R Guy K, Bashford D.  2017.  Performance of a docking/molecular dynamics protocol for virtual screening of nutlin-class inhibitors of Mdmx.. J Mol Graph Model. 74:54-60.
Bharatham N, Bhowmik P, Aoki M, Okada U, Sharma S, Yamashita E, Shanbhag AP, Rajagopal S, Thomas T, Sarma M et al..  2021.  Structure and function relationship of OqxB efflux pump from Klebsiella pneumoniae [Bugworks, a C-CAMP startup]. Nature communications. 12:1–12.
Bharatham N, Slavish PJ, Young BM, Shelat AA.  2018.  The role of ZA channel water-mediated interactions in the design of bromodomain-selective BET inhibitors.. J Mol Graph Model. 81:197-210.
Behring JB, Kumar V, Whelan SA, Chauhan P, Siwik DA, Costello CE, Colucci WS, Cohen RA, McComb ME, Bachschmid MM.  2014.  Does reversible cysteine oxidation link the Western diet to cardiac dysfunction? FASEB J. 28(5):1975-87.
Basak S, Paul D, Das R, Dastidar SGhosh, Kundu P.  2024.  A novel acidic pH-dependent metacaspase governs defense-response against pathogens in tomato [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility]. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 213:108850.
Baranyai T, Herczeg K, Onódi Z, Voszka I, Módos K, Marton N, Nagy G, Mäger I, Wood MJ, Andaloussi SEl et al..  2015.  Isolation of Exosomes from Blood Plasma: Qualitative and Quantitative Comparison of Ultracentrifugation and Size Exclusion Chromatography Methods. (Mass spectrometry - Proteomics). PLoS One. 10(12):e0145686.
Banerjee S, Coussens NP, Gallat F-X, Sathyanarayanan N, Srikanth J, Yagi KJ, Gray JSS, Tobe SS, Stay B, Chavas LMG et al..  2016.  Structure of a heterogeneous, glycosylated, lipid-bound, in vivo-grown protein crystal at atomic resolution from the viviparous cockroach Diploptera punctata. [Mass spectrometry - Glycomics]. IUCrJ. 3(Pt 4):282-93.
Bana AArunkumar, Sajeev N, Halder S, Masi HAbbas, Patel S, Mehta P.  2023.  Comparative stability study and aggregate analysis of Bevacizumab marketed formulations using advanced analytical techniques [Biologics / Biopharmaceutical Characterization Facility]. Heliyon. 9:e19478.
Bala M, Kumar S, Raghava GPal Singh, Mayilraj S.  2013.  Draft Genome Sequence of Rhodococcus ruber Strain BKS 20-38. [Next Generation Genomics facility]. Genome Announc. 1(2):e0013913.
Bala M, Kumar S, Raghava GPal Singh, Mayilraj S.  2013.  Draft Genome Sequence of Rhodococcus qingshengii Strain BKS 20-40. (Next Generation Genomics). Genome Announc. 1(2):e0012813.
Bakshi A, Sipani R, Ghosh N, Joshi R.  2020.  Sequential activation of Notch and Grainyhead gives apoptotic competence to Abdominal-B expressing larval neuroblasts in Drosophila Central nervous system [Transgenic Fly Facility]. PLoS Genet. 16(8):e1008976.
Bairy S, Gopalan LNarayanan, Setty TGangi, Srinivasachari S, Manjunath L, Kumar JPrakash, Guntupalli SR, Bose S, Nayak V, Ghosh S et al..  2018.  Automation aided optimization of cloning, expression and purification of enzymes of the bacterial sialic acid catabolic and sialylation pathways enzymes for structural studies. [Protein Technology (INT)].
Babu P, Victor XV, Raman K, Kuberan B.  2015.  A rapid, nonradioactive assay for measuring heparan sulfate C-5 epimerase activity using hydrogen/deuterium exchange-mass spectrometry.. Methods Mol Biol. 1229:209-19.
Babu P.  2014.  Glycans in regeneration.. ACS Chem Biol. 9(1):96-104.
Ashwini S., Bobby Z, Joseph M, Jacob SElizabeth, Padmapriya R.  2015.  Insulin plant (Costus pictus) extract improves insulin sensitivity and ameliorates atherogenic dyslipidaemia in fructose induced insulin resistant rats: Molecular mechanism [Mass spectrometry - Metabolomics]. Journal of Functional Foods. 17:749-760.
Ashwini S, Bobby Z, Sridhar MG, Cleetus CC.  2017.  Insulin Plant (Costus pictus) Extract Restores Thyroid Hormone Levels in Experimental Hypothyroidism [Mass Spectrometry - Metabolomics Facility].. Pharmacognosy Res. 9(1):51-59.
Arora A, Patil V, Kundu P, Kondaiah P, Hegde AS, Arivazhagan A, Santosh V, Pal D, Somasundaram K.  2019.  Serum biomarkers identification by iTRAQ and verification by MRM: S100A8/S100A9 levels predict tumor-stroma involvement and prognosis in Glioblastoma [Mass Spectrometry - Metabolomics Facility].. Sci Rep. 9(1):2749.
Anusha S, Negi PSingh.  2023.  Characterization and techno-functional properties of Tenebrio molitor larvae protein concentrate [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility]. Food Bioscience. 54
Anjali N., Nadiya F., Thomas J, Sabu K.K.  2018.  Identification and characterization of drought responsive microRNAs and their target genes in cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Maton) [Next Gen Genomics Facility]. Plant Growth Regulation.
Anand A, Chandana M, Ghosh S, Das R, Singh N, Vaishalli PMini, Gantasala NPrasad, Padmanaban G, Nagaraj VArun.  2023.  Significance of Plasmodium berghei Amino Acid Transporter 1 in Food Vacuole Functionality and Its Association with Cerebral Pathogenesis [Mass Spectrometry Facility - Metabolomics]. Microbiol Spectr. :e0494322.
Ambaru B, Gangadharan GMuthu, Subramanya HS, Gupta CM.  2022.  Profilin is involved in G1 to S phase progression and mitotic spindle orientation during Leishmania donovani cell division cycle [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility]. PLoS One. 17(3):e0265692.
Ambardar S, Singh HRussiachan, Gowda M, Vakhlu J.  2016.  Comparative Metagenomics Reveal Phylum Level Temporal and Spatial Changes in Mycobiome of Belowground Parts of Crocus sativus [Next Gen Genomics Facility]. PLoS One. 11(9):e0163300.
S. al. Net.  2015.  Production and characterization of lipopeptide from Bacillus cereus SNAU01 under solid state fermentation and its potential application as anti-biofilm agent. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 5 (2016):123–132.
