Antiproliferative property of n-hexane and chloroform extracts of Anisomeles malabarica (L). R. Br. in HPV16-positive human cervical cancer cells.. J Pharmacol Pharmacother. 3(1):26-34.
2012. Antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity of GNP-Tannic Acid-Ag nanocomposite and their epoxy-based coatings [Log9 Materials, a C-CAMP startup]. Progress in Organic Coatings. 159:106421.
2021. Analysis of water soluble fractions of crude oil by gas chromatography: Mass spectroscopy [Mass Spectrometry - Metabolomics Facility]. The Pharma Innovation Journal. SP-11(4)
2022. Analysis of smart biomaterial containing umbilical cord blood serum protein conjugated with P-(NIPAAM) using spectroscopy [Bio-incubation Services]. Materials Today: Proceedings.
2023. Alterations of Primary Metabolites in Root Exudates of Intercropped Cajanus cajan–Zea mays Modulate the Adaptation and Proteome of Ensifer (Sinorhizobium) fredii NGR234 [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility]. Microbial Ecology. :1–18.
2021. Advancements in peptide-based antimicrobials: A possible option for emerging drug-resistant infections [C-CAMP BIG Grantee/Startup]. Adv Colloid Interface Sci. 333:103282.
2024. .