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Listed below are the Publications supported by Technology platforms at C-CAMP / Bangalore Life Science Cluster.

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Gurung PDarshini, Upadhyay AKumar, Bhardwaj PKumar, Sowdhamini R, Ramakrishnan U.  2019.  Transcriptome analysis reveals plasticity in gene regulation due to environmental cues in Primula sikkimensis, a high altitude plant species [Next Gen Genomics Facility (INT)].. BMC Genomics. 20(1):989.
Guruharsha KG, Rual J-F, Zhai B, Mintseris J, Vaidya P, Vaidya N, Beekman C, Wong C, Rhee DY, Cenaj O et al..  2011.  A protein complex network of Drosophila melanogaster. [Drosophila facility]. Cell. 147(3):690-703.
Guruharsha KG, Obar RA, Mintseris J, Aishwarya K, Krishnan RT, VijayRaghavan K, Artavanis-Tsakonas S.  2012.  Drosophila protein interaction map (DPiM): a paradigm for metazoan protein complex interactions. [Drosophila facility]. Fly (Austin). 6(4):246-53.
Gupta S, Marcel N, Talwar S, Garg M, R I, Perumalsamy LR, Sarin A, Shivashankar GV.  2012.  Developmental heterogeneity in DNA packaging patterns influences T-cell activation and transmigration.. PLoS One. 7(9):e43718.
Gupta P, Mohan A, Mishra A, Nair A, Chowdhury N, Balekai D, Rai K, Prabhakar A, Saiyed T.  2024.  Multiplexed fluorescence and scatter detection with single cell resolution using on-chip fiber optics for droplet microfluidic applications [Discovery to Innovation Accelerator, C-CAMP]. Microsyst Nanoeng. 10:35.
Gunasekaran S, Govindan S, Ramani P.  2021.  Investigation of chemical and biological properties of an acidic polysaccharide fraction from Pleurotus eous (Berk.) Sacc. Food Bioscience.
Goyal R, Jerath G, Akhil R, Chandrasekharan A, Puppala ERao, Ponneganti S, Sarma A, Naidu VGM, Santhoshkumar TR, Ramakrishnan V.  2021.  Geometry encoded functional programming of tumor homing peptides for targeted drug delivery [Image Analysis Support]. J Control Release.
Gowrishankar K, Ghosh S, Saha S, C R, Mayor S, Rao M.  2012.  Active remodeling of cortical actin regulates spatiotemporal organization of cell surface molecules.. Cell. 149(6):1353-67.
Gowda M, Sheetal A, Kole C.  2019.  The Neem Genome [Next Gen Genomics Facility].
Gowda M, Shirke MD, Mahesh HB, Chandarana P, Rajamani A, Chattoo BB.  2015.  Genome analysis of rice-blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae field isolates from southern India.. Genom Data. 5:284-91.
Gopi K, Renu K, Vishwanath BSannanaik, Jayaraman G.  2015.  Protective effect of Euphorbia hirta and its components against snake venom induced lethality. [Mass spectrometry - Metabolomics]. J Ethnopharmacol. 165:180-90.
Ghosh S, Kundu R, Chandana M, Das R, Anand A, Beura S, Bobde RChandrakan, Jain V, Prabhu SRamakant, Behera PKumari et al..  2023.  Distinct evolution of type I glutamine synthetase in Plasmodium and its species-specific requirement [Mass Spectrometry Facility - Metabolomics]. Nat Commun. 14(1):4216.
Ghosh S, Saha S, Goswami D, Bilgrami S, Mayor S.  2012.  Dynamic imaging of homo-FRET in live cells by fluorescence anisotropy microscopy.. Methods Enzymol. 505:291-327.
Ghosh B, Mitra J, Chakraborty S, Bhattacharyya J, Chakraborty A, Sen SKumar, Neerathilingam M.  2015.  Simple Detection Methods for Antinutritive Factor β-ODAP Present in Lathyrus sativus L. by High Pressure Liquid Chromatography and Thin Layer Chromatography. [Protein Technology Core]. PLoS One. 10(11):e0140649.
Ghosh N, Bakshi A, Khandelwal R, Rajan SGovinda, Joshi R.  2019.  The Hox gene uses Doublesex as a cofactor to promote neuroblast apoptosis in the central nervous system [Transgenic Fly Facility]. Development. 146(16)
Ghatak A, Bharatham N, Shanbhag AP, Datta S, Venkatraman J.  2017.  Delineating Substrate Diversity of Disparate Short-Chain Dehydrogenase Reductase from Debaryomyces hansenii [Bugworks Res. Pvt. Ltd., a C-CAMP Startup]. PLoS One. 12(1):e0170202.
Geetha RGopal, Chandrika SKrishnanku, Saraswathy GG, Sivakumari ANair, Sakuntala M.  2021.  ROS Dependent Antifungal and Anticancer Modulations of Piper colubrinum Osmotin [Bio-Incubation Core Equipment/Protein Expression Facility]. Molecules. 26
Gautam V, Shafiq N, Mouton JW, Malhotra S, Kaur S, Ray P.  2018.  Pharmacokinetics of colistin in patients with multidrug-resistant Gram-negative infections: A pilot study [Mass Spectrometry - Metabolomics Facility].. Indian J Med Res. 147(4):407-412.
Ganguly N, Das T, Bhuniya A, Guha I, Chakravarti M, Dhar S, Sarkar A, Bera S, Dhar J, Dasgupta S et al..  2024.  Neem leaf glycoprotein binding to Dectin-1 receptors on dendritic cell induces type-1 immunity through CARD9 mediated intracellular signal to NFκB. [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility]. Cell Commun Signal. 22(1):237.
Ganesan S, Palani HKumar, Lakshmanan V, Balasundaram N, Alex AAbu, David S, Venkatraman A, Korula A, George B, Balasubramanian P et al..  2019.  Stromal cells downregulate miR-23a-5p to activate protective autophagy in acute myeloid leukemia [Next Gen Genomics Facility (INT)].. Cell Death Dis. 10(10):736.
Gandham SHari A, Volk DE, Lokesh GLR, Neerathilingam M, Gorenstein DG.  2014.  Thioaptamers targeting dengue virus type-2 envelope protein domain III. [Protein Technology Core]. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 453(3):309-15.
Ganaie MY, Qureshi S, Kashoo Z, Wani SA, Hussain MI, Kumar R, Maqbool R, Sikander P, Banday MS, Malla WA et al..  2018.  Isolation and characterization of two lytic bacteriophages against Staphylococcus aureus from India: newer therapeutic agents against Bovine mastitis. [Electron Microscopy Facility]. Vet Res Commun.
