Listed below are the Publications supported by Technology platforms at C-CAMP / Bangalore Life Science Cluster.
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A protein complex network of Drosophila melanogaster. [Drosophila facility]. Cell. 147(3):690-703.
2011. Poor sperm quality and advancing age are associated with increased sperm DNA damage in infertile men.. Andrologia. 44 Suppl 1:642-9.
2012. .
2015. .
2016. .
Performance of a docking/molecular dynamics protocol for virtual screening of nutlin-class inhibitors of Mdmx.. J Mol Graph Model. 74:54-60.
2017. .
2017. Pharmacokinetics of colistin in patients with multidrug-resistant Gram-negative infections: A pilot study [Mass Spectrometry - Metabolomics Facility].. Indian J Med Res. 147(4):407-412.
2018. Prevention of pesticide-induced neuronal dysfunction and mortality with nucleophilic poly-Oxime topical gel. [BIG Grant Supported Entrepreneur]. Sci Adv. 4(10):eaau1780.
2018. A proteomic approach of biomarker candidate discovery for alcoholic liver cirrhosis [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility].. J Circ Biomark. 7:1849454418788417.
2018. .
2019. .
Production and characterization of bioactive peptides from rice beans using Bacillus subtilis [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility]. Bioresource Technology. :126932.
2022. .
2022. .