Tenders and Expression of Interest

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Current Tenders
Tender Title Advertisement Date Tender Number Updated Date File
Server and Switches 20-07-2021 C-CAMP/L-060/2021-22(C) Tue, 20/07/2021 - 3:15pm PDF icon L-060-2021-22(c) Tender documents.pdf
UV Spectrometer
16-07-2021 to 04-08-2021
Enquiry remnder No.CCAMP/L-072/21-22(c) Fri, 16/07/2021 - 4:30pm PDF icon Enquiry No.C-CAMP-L-072-2021-22(C).pdf
16-07-2021 to 04-08-2021
Enquiry remnder No.CCAMP/L-073/21-22(c) Fri, 16/07/2021 - 4:30pm PDF icon Enquiry No.C-CAMP-L-073-2021-22(C) Thermomixer.pdf
16-07-2021 to 30-07-2021
Enquiry No.C-CAMP/L-069/2021-22(C) Fri, 16/07/2021 - 4:30pm PDF icon Enquiry No.L-069-21-22(c).pdf
CLASS 100 Clean hood
13-07-2021 to 30-07-2021
Enquiry remnder No.CCAMP/L-062/21-22(c) Tue, 13/07/2021 - 2:45pm PDF icon Enquiry No.C-CAMP-L-062-21-22 Clean hood.pdf
Ultrasonic welding system
12-07-2021 to 16-07-2021
Enquiry No.C-CAMP/L-034/2021-22(C) - REMINDER Mon, 12/07/2021 - 11:45am PDF icon C-CAMP-L-034 REMINDER.pdf
Website development for C-CAMP Bio Medical Innovations Programme
01-07-2021 to 20-07-2021
Enquiry No.C-CAMP/W-047/2021-22(C) Thu, 01/07/2021 - 11:30am PDF icon Enquiry No.C-CAMP-W-047-2021-22(C).pdf
3D printer
12-05-2021 to 01-06-2021
Enquiry remnder No.CCAMP/L-005/21-22(c) Wed, 12/05/2021 - 12:15pm PDF icon Enquiry Reminder CCAMP-L-005-21-22(C).pdf
Vacuum casting system
16-04-2021 to 27-04-2021
Corrigendum 1 - Extension of tender till 27/4/2021 Fri, 16/04/2021 - 11:45am PDF icon CCAMP-L-185-20-21(C) Corrigendum.pdf
Hot press compression system with Accessories
15-04-2021 to 21-04-2021
Enquiry remnder no.CCAMP/L-179/20-21(C) Thu, 15/04/2021 - 11:00am PDF icon Enquiry No.CCAMP-179- REMINDER.pdf
Injection Molding System- Corrigendum 1
29-03-2021 to 05-04-2021
CCAMP/L-159/20-21(c) Mon, 29/03/2021 - 3:45pm PDF icon Corrigendum1.pdf
Ultrasonic cleaner
26-03-2021 to 16-04-2021
Enquiry NO.CCAMP/L-188/20-21(C) Fri, 26/03/2021 - 11:45am PDF icon Enquiry No.CCAMP-L-188-20-21(C).pdf
Vacuum casting system
26-03-2021 to 15-04-2021
Enquiry No.CCAMP/L-185/20-21(C) Fri, 26/03/2021 - 11:45am PDF icon Enquiry no.CCAMP-185- NIT.pdf, PDF icon CCAMP-L-185-20-21(C) Tender documents.pdf
Hot press compression system with Accessories
19-03-2021 to 09-04-2021
Enquiry no.CCAMP/L-179/20-21(C) Fri, 19/03/2021 - 5:15pm PDF icon Enquiry no.L-179-20-21(c).pdf
17-03-2021 to 30-03-2021
Revised specifications for tender no.CCAMP/L-172/20-21(C) Wed, 17/03/2021 - 3:45pm PDF icon Enquiry no.CCAMP-L-172 REVISED.pdf
11-03-2021 to 30-03-2021
CCAMP/L-172/20-21(C) Wed, 17/03/2021 - 12:45pm PDF icon Enquiry No.CCAMP-L-172-20-21(C).pdf
Lab Equipments
12-03-2021 to 01-04-2021
CCAMP/L-170/20-21(C) Mon, 15/03/2021 - 12:15pm PDF icon Enquiry No.CCAMP-L-170-20-21(C).pdf
Extension of Due date - Microscope, Camera, Workstation and Anti Vibration table
10-03-2021 to 09-04-2021
C-CAMP/F-100/2020-2021 (N), Tender Notice No.004/2020-2021 Wed, 10/03/2021 - 3:45pm PDF icon Tender Notice No.004.pdf, PDF icon C-CAMP - F-100 Microscope Tender document.pdf, PDF icon Corrigendum - I to Tender Notice No.004.pdf
Injection Molding System
10-03-2021 to 29-03-2021
CCAMP/L-159/20-21(c) Wed, 10/03/2021 - 2:45pm PDF icon L-159 Tender documents.pdf, PDF icon L-159 NIT with CPPP ID.pdf
Modular workstation
25-02-2021 to 17-03-2021
CCAMP/L-164/20-21(c) Thu, 25/02/2021 - 12:45pm PDF icon CCAMP-L-164-20-21(C).pdf
