BioImage Analysis for Microscopy images [Fluorescent, Widefield, Confocal, Brightfield]
- 2D/3D Image Quantification
- Building customized workflow for image analysis using Fiji, CellProfiler, python scripts
- Building basic to advanced macro using Fiji
- Tracking
- Automated pipeline development for High content screening (HCS) image data: Extracting image data [Using CellProfiler]
- Extracting Single Cell data
- Automated data analysis for exracted image data for HCS
Basic to Advanced Image Analysis training
- Basic to advance Image analysis training
- Hands-on training using Fiji, Cellprofiler
- Basics of programming
Bioinformatics services (on demand)
- Sequence and structural analysis [Modelling]
- RNA seq analysis
Bioimage Analysis training
Course Overview
Microscope images play a crucial role in the investigations of biological systems. With the great advances in light microscopy driving the multi-dimensional imaging data, image processing and analysis becomes inevitable in modern life science research. By increasing the quantity and complexity of the microscopic (imaging) data, considered as a multidimensional numeric data, the advanced computational tools to analyse the data also increases. To extract the useful information from the image data, it is important to understand the basics of images, methods to process images and more importantly skills to use the software tools. At times, there is a knowledge requirement of advanced image analysis techniques and high content image processing. In the courses from basic to advanced image processing, we would discuss the basics of image properties, bioimage analysis, efficient methods/tools to use, 2D and 3D quantitative image processing, High content image analysis, advanced segmentation techniques, scripting for bioimage analysis and finally automated image processing with the complete hands on experience. This course will help the participant to build their optimum. image analysis workflow for their own research problem.
Course Outcome
- Good Knowledge on Quantitative Image Processing
- Appropriate use of softwares
- Building optimized Automated Image Analysis workflow
- High Content Image Analysis
- Macro building
Target Audience
Graduate students, Post-docs and Faculties, those who need to analyse their own image data.
Basic knowledge in handling microscopic image data. Prior programming knowledge not
Courses/Workshops offered
- Onsite Basic Image Analysis Course (on hold)
- Online Basic Image Analysis Course (For basic course overview and upcoming batch click here (]
- Online Advance Bioimage Analysis course (For advanced course overview and upcoming batch click here (]