C-CAMP Team finds tender coconut water to be an alternative medium

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Bangalore scientists discover tender coconut's sterile secret

One hot day in the summer of 2013, Muniasamy Neerathilingam, 43, took a break to quench his thirst. He stepped out of his lab, bought a tender coconut and sipped its sweetness...

"It's so sweet, and Nature keeps the water so sterile..." thought Muniswamy. The idea refused to leave him. Munish, as he's known, bought a few more coconuts and took them to his lab in the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms (C-CAMP) at the National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS) here.

His thought, meanwhile, crystallized. It struck him that tender coconut could be used as a ....Please click here to read more

August 24, 2016