How should I prepare the DNA?
The column purified (Qiagen) plasmid DNA with 1-2.5 µg/µl concentration for P-element services and 0.75-1 µg/µl for site specific services in 20 µl of ultrapure water or Injection Buffer(IB). (Compostion for 50X IB : 0.5mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH-7.5) and 5mM KCl).
The column purified (Qiagen) plasmid DNA with 1-2.5 µg/µl concentration for P-element services and 0.75-1 µg/µl for site specific services in 20 µl of ultrapure water or Injection Buffer(IB). (Compostion for 50X IB : 0.5mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH-7.5) and 5mM KCl).
Is there a special requirement of DNA for Site- Specific service?
The same above mentioned quality of DNA works for site-specific service. We require 15-20 µg of plasmid DNA in 15-20 µl of Injection buffer.
Which fly strains do you use to inject the plasmids?
We use Integrase on X; +: S-Attp-2 on III for Site-specific integrations. For second chromosome we use Integrase on X; +: S-Attp-40.
What are the balancers you use to balance the insertion?
We normally use FM7a, CyO and TM3/TM6 for X, II and III chromosomes, respectively.
Can I use my own helper plasmid?
Yes. Generally, we provide the helper plasmid that is injected with your P-element construct. However, if you prefer to use your own Δ2-3 plasmid, please send us atleast 20 µl column-purified plasmid with the exact concentration labelled on it. The concentration should be atleast 500 ng/µl.
Which fly strains do you use to inject the plasmids?
We use Integrase on X; +: S-Attp-2 on III for Site-specific integrations. For second chromosome we use Integrase on X; +: S-Attp-40.
What are the balancers you use to balance the insertion?
We normally use FM7a, CyO and TM3/TM6 for X, II and III chromosomes, respectively.
Can I use my own helper plasmid?
Yes. Generally, we provide the helper plasmid that is injected with your P-element construct. However, if you prefer to use your own Δ2-3 plasmid, please send us atleast 20 µl column-purified plasmid with the exact concentration labelled on it. The concentration should be atleast 500 ng/µl.
How long does it take to get the transformants?
The minimum time taken, from reception of the DNA to delivery of the transgenic flies depends on the service plan selected. For site specific excel plan it typically takes 6-8 weeks from the day of DNA injections to getting the final stock for shipping. It can take longer depending on the service plan, and the work load. We keep you informed about the progress of the project through our web portal.
For how long do you keep the flies?
We discard balanced lines in two weeks time after you receive the shipment from us. You can let us know if there is any problem within two weeks so that we can send the backup flies.
How do you ship back the flies?
Flies will be sent back by courier within India. We use FedEx for international shipments.
Whom should I contact for any information?
You can contact Dr Mohammad Atif Alam +91 80 23665052 between 11.00-17.00 hrs IST or mail us at fly[at]ncbs.res.in and flyfacility[at]ccamp.res.in for any query.