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Srinivas TNR, Aditya S, Bhumika V, P Kumar A.  2014.  Lunatimonas lonarensis gen. nov., sp. nov., a haloalkaline bacterium of the family Cyclobacteriaceae with nitrate reducing activity [Next Gen Genomics Facility]. Syst Appl Microbiol. 37(1):10-6.
Dubey M, Singh AK, Awasthi D, Nagarkoti S, Kumar S, Ali W, Chandra T, Kumar V, Barthwal MK, Jagavelu K et al..  2015.  L-Plastin S-glutathionylation promotes reduced binding to β-actin and affects neutrophil functions. (Mass Spectrometry). Free Radic Biol Med. 86:1-15.
Maniyadath B, Chattopadhyay T, Verma S, Kumari S, Kulkarni P, Banerjee K, Lazarus A, Kokane SS, Shetty T, Anamika K et al..  2019.  Loss of Hepatic Oscillatory Fed microRNAs Abrogates Refed Transition and Causes Liver Dysfunctions [Next Gen Genomics Facility].. Cell Rep. 26(8):2212-2226.e7.
G. Pandian S.  2021.  Live cells extracts of freshly cut Chicken and of Baby Sprouts of Mung Beans with UV Absorption and Proton NMR spectra [NMR Facility]. Current Nutrition & Food Science.
Hebbar S, Khandelwal A, Jayashree R, Hindle SJ, Chiang YNing, Yew JY, Sweeney ST, Schwudke D.  2017.  Lipid metabolic perturbation is an early-onset phenotype in adultmutants: amodel for lysosomal storage disorders. [Mass Spectrometry - Lipidomics]. Mol Biol Cell. 28(26):3728-3740.
Saha R, Verma PKumar, Rakshit S, Saha S, Mayor S, Pal SKumar.  2013.  Light driven ultrafast electron transfer in oxidative redding of Green Fluorescent Proteins. [Protein Technology Facility]. Sci Rep. 3:1580.
Ahmad S, Singh N, Pargaonkar A, Vig D, Knierman M.  2024.  LC/MS Based Characterization Workflow of GLP-1 Therapeutic Peptide Liraglutide and Its Impurities [Agilent Technologies - C-CAMP Collaboration].
Repally A, Palanichamy E, Jha N, Venkatesan A, Dasari A.  2024.  Lactobacillus fermentum SNR1: Probiotic efficiency and characterization of the antimicrobial peptide against dental caries and foodborne pathogens [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics]. The Microbe. 5:100190.
Baranyai T, Herczeg K, Onódi Z, Voszka I, Módos K, Marton N, Nagy G, Mäger I, Wood MJ, Andaloussi SEl et al..  2015.  Isolation of Exosomes from Blood Plasma: Qualitative and Quantitative Comparison of Ultracentrifugation and Size Exclusion Chromatography Methods. (Mass spectrometry - Proteomics). PLoS One. 10(12):e0145686.
Ganaie MY, Qureshi S, Kashoo Z, Wani SA, Hussain MI, Kumar R, Maqbool R, Sikander P, Banday MS, Malla WA et al..  2018.  Isolation and characterization of two lytic bacteriophages against Staphylococcus aureus from India: newer therapeutic agents against Bovine mastitis. [Electron Microscopy Facility]. Vet Res Commun.
Kumari A, Ameri S, Ravikrishna P, Dhayalan A, Kamala-Kannan S., Selvankumar T., Govarthanan M..  2019.  Isolation and Characterization of Conotoxin Protein from Conus inscriptus and Its Potential Anticancer Activity Against Cervical Cancer (HeLa-HPV 16 Associated) Cell Lines [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics/Glycomics]. International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics.
Bhatt HH, Pasricha R, Upasani VN.  2016.  Isolation and Characterization of a Halophilic Cyanobacterium Euhalothece SLVH01 from Sambhar Salt Lake, India. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2016) 5(2): 215-224 [Electron Microscopy Facility - TEM].
Gunasekaran S, Govindan S, Ramani P.  2021.  Investigation of chemical and biological properties of an acidic polysaccharide fraction from Pleurotus eous (Berk.) Sacc. Food Bioscience.
Nandakumar S, Shahani P, Datta I, Pal R.  2021.  Interventional Strategies for Parkinson Disease: Can Neural Precursor Cells Forge a Path Ahead? [Eyestem Research, a C-CAMP startup] ACS Chemical Neuroscience.
Sadananda A, Hamid R, Doodhi H, Ghosal D, Girotra M, Jana SChandra, Ray K.  2012.  Interaction with a kinesin-2 tail propels choline acetyltransferase flow towards synapse. [Drosophila facility]. Traffic. 13(7):979-91.
Lomate PR, Dewangan V, Mahajan N, Kumar Y, Kulkarni A, Wang L, Saxsena S, Gupta VS, Giri AP.  2018.  Integrated transcriptomic and proteomic analyses suggest the participation of endogenous protease inhibitors in the regulation of protease gene expression in [Next Gen Genomics Facility]. Mol Cell Proteomics.
Ashwini S, Bobby Z, Sridhar MG, Cleetus CC.  2017.  Insulin Plant (Costus pictus) Extract Restores Thyroid Hormone Levels in Experimental Hypothyroidism [Mass Spectrometry - Metabolomics Facility].. Pharmacognosy Res. 9(1):51-59.
Ashwini S., Bobby Z, Joseph M, Jacob SElizabeth, Padmapriya R.  2015.  Insulin plant (Costus pictus) extract improves insulin sensitivity and ameliorates atherogenic dyslipidaemia in fructose induced insulin resistant rats: Molecular mechanism [Mass spectrometry - Metabolomics]. Journal of Functional Foods. 17:749-760.
Agrawal N, Venkiteswaran G, Sadaf S, Padmanabhan N, Banerjee S, Hasan G.  2010.  Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor and dSTIM function in Drosophila insulin-producing neurons regulates systemic intracellular calcium homeostasis and flight. [Drosophila facility]. J Neurosci. 30(4):1301-13.
Srivastava M, Nambiar M, Sharma S, Karki SS, Goldsmith G, Hegde M, Kumar S, Pandey M, Singh RK, Ray P et al..  2012.  An inhibitor of nonhomologous end-joining abrogates double-strand break repair and impedes cancer progression.. Cell. 151(7):1474-87.
Rajani P., C. R, Vasanthakumari M.M., Olsson SB, G. R, R. UShaanker.  2020.  Inhibition of plant pathogenic fungi by endophytic Trichoderma spp. through mycoparasitism and volatile organic compounds. Microbiological Research. :126595.
Kumar A, Kumar MHSathish, Rajani CS, Sabikhi L, Sonarthi H.  2024.  Inhibition of dipeptidyl peptidase-IV by hydrolysates of beta-lactoglobulin isolated from Gir cow milk [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics]. Food Chemistry Advances. :100842.
Nayim P, Sudhir K, Mbaveng AT, Kuete V, Sanjukta M.  2021.  In Vitro Anticancer Activity of Imperata cylindrica Root’s Extract toward Human Cervical Cancer and Identification of Potential Bioactive Compounds [Mass Spectrometry - Metabolomics Facility]. BioMed research international. 2021
Sankaradoss A, Jagtap S, Nazir J, Moula SE, Modak A, Fialho J, Iyer M, Shastri JS, Dias M, Gadepalli R et al..  2022.  Immune profile and responses of a novel dengue DNA vaccine encoding an EDIII-NS1 consensus design based on Indo-African sequences [C-CAMP Bioincubation Facility]. Molecular Therapy - Cell Press.
